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In Person Training

You’ve scoured social media and YouTube, looking for the perfect training method to solve your dog’s behaviour issues. You’ve read all the results on Google.


You’ve tried to copy and apply the training you see online, but you’ve gotten nowhere.


Your dog is still kicking off at visitors, and you are still embarrassed to walk down the street.


Sound familiar? You need someone to show you how to train your dog, and explain why they are behaving the way that they are.

Meet The Trainer

My name is Toby and my job is to provide you with the skills you need to train your dog and help eradicate those behavioural difficulties that are putting yours and your dog’s lives on pause. You need me to read your dog for you, to teach you how to listen to your dog, to teach you how to set your dog up for success, and to teach you the practical skills needed to train your dog effectively.


I have trained hundreds of dogs from all walks of life. I have been able to apply the most modern and kind training methods to every dog I have encountered, completely tailoring the training to suit that dog as an individual. Training is more than just running step-by-step, it is about looking at the whole dog holistically and using more than just practical methods to reach the goal. From the most shutdown dogs, to the dogs you can’t walk in public, to the dogs who won’t let a single visitor inside the house, I’ve been there. 

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Meet Mia

Mia is a Rottweiler who had terrible experiences with dogs when she was younger. This, paired with her unfortunately falling ill when she was young, caused her to have big feelings about the dogs she saw on lead.


Before coming to me, Mia had been seen by two balanced trainers, both in person sessions and at a board and train, who tried their standard methods with her. Nothing.


They couldn’t stop the reactivity, and Mia’s parents were beginning to lose hope. I worked with her for a month and she was back out walking through towns and parks with no reactions to dogs!


Not only did I run through the practical training methods with Mia’s family, but we dug deep into her behaviour to understand why she felt that way about other dogs. We addressed her underlying emotions, we were empathetic, I taught her parents how to train effectively and consistently, and the decrease in her reactivity followed. She is now back going on caravan holidays with plenty of other dogs around!

Whats Included?

You have the choice between either two or four 60-minute in-person sessions in the monthly package.


Not only that, but you get the full unlimited WhatsApp support from my online package, meaning I can continue to support you outside of our sessions!


Following our in person sessions you will receive a summary of the session and guidance for your next steps. I also carry out a detailed and comprehensive assessment for your dog, which we then discuss during our initial online consultation.


Here is where I can explain why your dog is doing what they are doing, and most importantly, what we are going to do to change it.


Jump on a free 30-minute discovery call today, and find out exactly how I can improve yours and your dog’s life. Or send me a WhatsApp! I’m more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Let’s get things going in the right direction. 

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